Tuesday 10 January 2012

So it's time to start another diet. It's always the same at the turn of the year, my jeans are too tight and I feel like the back end of a bus. The last couple of years the being overweight has been complicated by the fact that my left knee has no cartilage any more and is very intolerant of having to support my bulk.

I have a fellow Worcester Warriors season ticket holder who is losing his battle with cancer which makes just being overweight seem insignificant. So I am going to try and raise some money for St Richard's Hospice whilst I get to a healthy weight.

I started on the 2nd of Jan at 17st 4.5lbs and was 16st 10.5lbs the 9th Jan which makes a first week loss of 8lbs. Not bad going.

I will post a before photo very soon and then update that once a month. Always wearing the same clothes and taken in the same place.

This is a repeat of my last successful diet, 2 years ago when I got down to 13st 7lbs. The aim is this time to successfully  manage my weight after the diet stops, but I know that I will have to keep an eye on my weight for the rest of my life as I am just that type of person.

So if you can please support my effort and sponsor me through my justgiving page http://www.justgiving.com/Lindsay-Clayton0

Speak to you soon

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