Sunday 22 January 2012

Well 2 weeks in and I still can't get out of the habit of having a glass or two of wine at the weekend! For those that know me that won't be a surprise, but the main issue is that when I have had a drink I tend to have something to eat too... Self destructive or what. I have lost 10lbs on the scales but in reality I have lost at least 4 of those pounds 3 times over already! But the general direction is down I suppose.

So what do I do to stop myself buying the wine and then drinking it? Not been able to solve that one for over 30 years. Perhaps hypnotherapy, acupuncture, or a therapist? I don't know it's all a pain. Dieting is against my nature, but the pain in my knees reminds me every time I climb the sitars or get out of a chair that I can't stay this heavy.

So next weekend I won't buy the wine and find something to do which takes my mind off having a drink. Fingers crossed that I manage it. I will let you know.

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